Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Azeda Booth - In Flesh Tones

Azeda Booth - In Flesh Tones
[Absolutely Kosher 2008]

Azeda Booth - Ran

First, let me say that this album is a must. An absolute must. It is so fresh, so entertaining, but so minimal I don't entirely understand it. This is currently my favourite album period. Also, there are no females in this band (you'll get it if you listen to the song).

In Flesh Tones contains both frantic, relaxed, and chanting rhythms intermixed with crooning falsetto vocals that sound nothing if not otherworldly. Jungle drums collide with electric piano, bells with subtle guitars. The warm introspective space these sounds create encompasses the listener completely in an almost womb-like way.

Azeda Booth seem to address the inhuman and immoral elements beneath the surface of everyday light, but do it in such a manner that it isn't depressing. There is something about the way Jordan sings "When you talk to me about time" in First Little Britches cuts to the core every time and makes you feel what he wants you to feel. The whole album has this sort of effect, but it really comes to a point in First Little Britches.

On the whole, though, this album is indescribable in its stark beauty. It's kind of like taking the grand canyon and turning it into flesh. and then turning that into music.


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